Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Missouri Fine Arts Academy | Personal

This past week I've had the amazing opportunity to spend time with some seriously incredible students. Like, blow your mind crazy talented students. I was asked to photograph the classes at the Missouri Fine Arts Academy, or MFAA as it's more affectionately known. This three week intensive academy brings together students from all over the state of Missouri to achieve one goal-- further their art. They take classes in everything your creative mind can think of...stage combat, creative writing, vocal studies, oil painting, songwriting, 3D art, and even super cool drumming (ok, that's not the technical name of the class, but it should be!).

Every class I saw inspired me. My artistic skill level never blossomed past drawing stick figures, but these students made me want to pick up a brush and paint the next great work of art...or at least a nice picture to hang on my fridge.

The most amazing part of all of this, however, was the Joplin Art Jam. Four of the academy students are from Joplin and we were privileged enough to hear their stories from the devastating tornadoes. They shared with us stories of fear, disbelief, shock, and confusion. Stories of how even though they've grown up in Joplin, they looked around and had no idea where they were. Stories of having to do whatever it took to survive the storms. Stories of battling the elements to make their way home. Yet through all of the devastation, these students remained hopeful. Hopeful for the rebuilding of their homes. Hopeful for the opportunity to make life better. And hopeful that Joplin will rise from these wounds stronger than ever.

Here's my attempt at being artistic...we'll call it photography with found objects! Ok, ok, I'll stick to fridge art!

To find out more about the Missouri Fine Arts Academy, check out their Facebook page.
Most importantly, remember to be praying for and helping the people of Joplin. If you'd like to donate to Joplin High School, please visit Be sure to type "Joplin School Foundation" in the 'Fund/Program' line.

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