Monday, September 9, 2013

Designed For Life Giveaway!

Back in the fall of 2010 I was asked to help with a lunch that James River Assembly was hosting for the teenage girls attending their Designed For Life conference. I wasn't attending the conference, but agreed to come help out with the lunch.
It was the first time Mike watched Liam by himself. I was running late. Traffic was horrible. And then I show up and it seemed like everyone was bubbling with happiness because of this amazing conference.

 Except me. I was frustrated. Annoyed. Feeling left out. You get the picture.

The conference only had one session left and a few of my friends convinced me to attend. The theme was "dreams". I seriously thought you could not have picked a more lame theme. As I sat there, arms folded, pouting in my seat, I asked myself, "What are they talking about, dreams? I've graduated college, married a wonderful man, had a child, bought a house. All of my dreams have been fulfilled. This is such a stupid theme!"
And then, as crazy as this sounds, in my mind I saw our camera. About a year prior to this, my sister and brother-in-law graciously gave us their DSLR camera so that Mike could take pictures of his lighting design productions. I had no desire to even touch the thing.

I left that session feeling excited, hopeful, and renewed. I didn't know why, but God put that camera on my heart for some reason.
As soon as I got home, I told Mike, "God told me to learn how to use the camera!" Thankfully, Mike is a man of great faith (or a man who knows how to keep his mouth shut when his wife is acting like a total crazy person) and he said, "Ooooook. I'll teach you what I know."
For months I practiced, read everything I could, scoured blogs, and took pictures of anything and everything I could get my hands on (these pictures were terrible, by the way. I mean really just laughable!).

I had no idea that in the midst of a bad attitude, God was orchestrating an entire life-shift for me. It is because I was at the Designed For Life conference that He laid this vision on my heart and He has been blowing me away ever since. Never in a million years did I think that just three years later my life would be filled with so much joy from pursuing a dream and filling a void I didn't even know I had.

All of that being said, I want YOU to come to the conference!

We are giving away 1 free ticket to the conference! 

All you have to do is e-mail me at and say, "I want to go to DFL!" and your name will be put in a drawing for the ticket! You do not have to be a client of Foster Photography or be a member of James River Assembly. In fact, women from over half of the states in the U.S. are attending this conference!

The conference is September 26-28th and the deadline to enter the drawing is Monday, September 16th. at 5 p.m. I will contact the winner on Tuesday, September 17th!

Please, please don't let excuses hold you back! God has something that He wants to share with YOU my sweet friend! James 4:8 says, "Come near to God and he will come near to you." I know this to be true!

I am praying for all of you beautiful girls that God is tugging at your heart and saying, "This is for you! I have a message for you!" So take a chance, send me an e-mail to enter yourself in the drawing, and see how God will work in your life!

Visit the Designed For Life website for more information about the conference

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