Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Resolutions | Personal

I suck at finishing things. You will be hard pressed to find a more enthusiastic starter than me, but I have failed time and time again at following through. It's for this reason that a guitar sits barely touched in my closet. For this reason I only finished week one of the Couch to 5k running plan. For this reason my best friend still hasn't received the wedding scrapbook I started for her...they got married in July. Of 2010.

It was exactly a year ago today when I started this blog. It blows my mind the support I've been given. That despite my pattern of being a great starter but a not so great "follow through-er" Mike stood behind me 100% without a doubt in his mind that I could accomplish what I set out to do. Every day I am beyond grateful that many of you took a chance and allowed me to document your families and create unforgettable memories with you. It humbles me to my core that the God of the universe chose to plant this dream in my heart.

You all are awesome. Seriously.

In an effort to break this chain of terrible follow through, I've decided to make myself a little vulnerable with my goals for 2012 even though I'm scared. Ok, terrified. Accountability is a strong motivator, so I'm going to force myself to keep typing out these goals even though it's hard.

*Read the entire Bible. God's word is good stuff!
*Set money aside to take Mike on a vacation. Disney is calling our names!
*Become B.F.F. with water (I'm sipping on some right now)
*Break up with the idol of food. I know this sounds crazy, but for me personally, this is an area of struggle. I want to approach food in a healthy way and give more thought to my choices.
*Be intentional about sharing God's love.
*Schedule three sessions each month.
*Take a picture of Liam every day (or else I may miss super cute moments like this...)

Phew. I did it. If you're a person that's motivated by accountability, I encourage you to share some of your goals for the new year, no matter how tough it may be!

Happy New Year dear friends! May this year be filled with laughter, learning, and grace upon grace! And please, feel free to ask me what passage I read in the Bible that day or how much water I've drank : )

1 comment:

  1. Such an adorable pic and what awesome resolutions!!! I believe in YOU!!!
