Monday, February 14, 2011

Forever and Ever

I arrived to my Theatre 255: Lighting Design class several minutes early because I hate being late to anything, especially on the first day of class. I took a seat and began reading (my favorite early-to-class hobby). I looked up from my book to see one of the technical theatre professors talking with a man I'd never seen before. The theatre department is like a small town, so it seemed odd that I didn't recognize this Mystery Man.

Class began and Mystery Man introduced himself. He was the newest member of the Theatre and Dance faculty and was our lighting design professor. As I studied his outfit, I immediately thought, "This man must not be married. There is no way any woman in her right mind would let their husband leave the house looking like this!" Clearly, no one told him the grunge look from the 90s was over with.

I was right. He wasn't married. But in the not-so distant future he would be. To me.

I was the first student in his first class on his first day in Springfield. He didn't know why, but for some reason, my name was the first out of all of his students that he remembered.

One date was all it took for both of us to fall in love. He proposed two weeks after that first (and only) date. We were married four months later. Though our path was not a typical one, it's a love story that's greater than I ever could have imagined!

Micheal, thank you for being more than I ever knew was possible. More loving than I'd ever known. More thoughtful. More sacrificial. More supportive. More hilarious. More wise. And thank you for continuing to grow into more and for taking me along with you on those journeys. Thank you for always seeking the heart of God and honestly doing your best to align your life with His word. Every day you teach me about our Father's character by the way you live and love.

I'll love you forever and ever and longer if they let me! Happy Valentine's Day!

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