I am proud to say that as I type this blog post, there are no tears in my eyes. This morning, Mike and I dropped Liam off for his first day of preschool. Yes, my little manzini started "school" today! Since we enrolled him, it's been an emotional roller coaster for me, however today I am feeling at peace with the situation (proof God does hear and answer our prayers!).
Mike thought it would be a good idea to let Liam play with kids his age, learn to listen to other adults, and also it gives me one day a week of "me" time. At first I protested. "But he's soooooo little still!!!" I thought I'd be really smart and enlist the help of my mom. I thought surely she'll agree with me and Mike will be outnumbered and I'll win. Boy, was I wrong. She thought it was a great idea too.
Poor Mike has had to put up with a lot from me these last few weeks (ok, let's be honest, the last few years!). I was the only mom wiping away the tears while picking out crayons at Target. I stood in the aisle with crayons in my hand saying, "Seriously, wasn't he JUST BORN?! And now we're buying SCHOOL SUPPLIES?!"
I was the only mom crying at preschool orientation. I'm really surprised Mike didn't scoot down a few chairs and pretend like he didn't know me!
But, even though I cried a little while I put his cute little shoes on this morning, I didn't cry when we dropped him off. In fact, he was having such a great time running around and playing with the other kids that it was impossible to not smile!
So while the house may be very quiet right now, and I won't get to see his adorable bed-head when he wakes up from his nap (oh Lord, please let him nap at preschool!), or see him dance for joy at the sight of Yo Gabba Gabba, I'm able to take some time for myself and refresh. And when I pick him up, I know it will be so sweet and I'll be a better mother because I've been given some precious time to just breathe.