Monday, January 10, 2011

The Little Things

This post is inspired by Hanson. Yes, Hanson.

My sweet husband offered to watch Liam, our son, this past weekend so I could have a girls night with some friends. As I was driving, it dawned on me that I was alone in the car. I hardly knew what to do with myself! Then it hit me...I can listen to whatever music I wanted, as loud as I wanted! Enter: Hanson.

As the three brothers were serenading me, I thought, "It really is the little things in life!" So I've decided to begin installments of blog posts about exactly that...those wonderful little things that make life that much more fantastic.

-First and foremost, of course, is Hanson and all the other guilty-pleasure music out there. Everyone has musical skeletons in their closet. I say now is the time to free yourself of the shame...admit your guilty pleasure!
-Snowmen. Thanks to these little guys, I'm able to put off packing away all of my holiday decor because really, they aren't solely Christmas related, they're WINTER!
-Lastly, I am so thankful that I married a man who laughs at my Sally O'Malley impression. Every time. And it happens frequently. Because really, who doesn't like to kick, and stretch, and kick!? (If you're confused right now, head over to and watch that video. It will be the best 6 minutes of your day!)

I'll end this post with a picture because well, this is a photography blog after all! Here's a picture of my two favorite guys sharing a cuddly moment (which are very rare because Liam never sits still!).

Feel free to leave a comment and share some of your favorite little things or be brave and come clean on your musical guilty pleasures!

1 comment:

  1. Musical guilty pleasures? Lisa Loeb...and the Little Shop of Horrors soundtrack.
